The Group offers educational and social programs and opportunities to young adults between the ages of 21 and 39.
There are many paths to community. Congregants can choose from a wide range of groups and activities, including Youth Groups, Shmingles, Brotherhood, Sisterhood, PTA, Couples Club and Chai Club.
What is Brotherhood? We are a social arm of the Temple. We are a group of men who have decided to come together to enjoy themselves at a variety of functions with a great group of men.
We are men who get together to enjoy cooking, playing golf, watching sports and participating in sports pools. We enjoy the camaraderie of Brotherhood and always have a lot of fun and laughs. We cook dinners for our monthly general meetings which feature special recipes from our chefs. At these meetings we have a variety of programs which include outside speakers, watching Monday Night Football, game night and lots more.
We have fun helping the Temple by running fundraising events such as the Summer vendor fair and Winter holiday fair; we usher at the High Holiday services; we build the Temple Sukkah; we sponsor the Boy Scout Troop; we send items to the troops overseas, and one thing we are known for is we cook breakfast every other Sunday morning that Hebrew school is in session.
The beauty of BROTHERHOOD is that there is something for everyone and every man can make it what he wants it to be! Why not join the fun.
To let the fun begin, click here for our membership application.
On behalf of Temple B’nai Torah Sisterhood, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you and your family. I’m very happy that you are members of Temple B’nai Torah or are checking out our website with an eye towards joining our Temple. All of the Temple’s women can be a part of our “Sisterhood family” by joining and I would love for you to get to know us through our Sisterhood meetings and events. If you are a new member of the Temple, your first year of membership in Sisterhood is free.
Sisterhood is the collective presence, voice, and strength of the women of Temple B’nai Torah. It is where women can meet, bond, and work together for the benefit of our congregation. Here, women can initiate and develop outlets for their creative energy, talent, and leadership potential.
Temple B’nai Torah Sisterhood is a member of Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ). WRJ represents women of Reform Judaism in the synagogue, the Jewish community, interfaith groups, and the local, national, and international communities.
Please feel free to call me or other board members if you have any questions or concerns. We look forward to seeing you at the next gathering of our “Sisters.”
Louise Ponticello
Temple B’nai Torah Sisterhood
P.S. Click HERE for a calendar of our events for the 2017/2018 year. More will be added, but you can be sure there’s something for everyone!
Our mission is to enhance and nurture the spirit of community within our growing congregation by addressing the emotional and/or special needs of all our congregants throughout their individual life cycle events. Every member is a Hesed Haver and may be called upon to help celebrate, support and/or comfort others in need within our congregation.
Programs & Community Links
The Shiva Minyan: How to Attend, How to Lead… NOVEMBER 17th in the evening.Take the mystery out of what it means to attend shiva. Learn how you can be a compassionate visitor and neighbor in your community.
Support Network
Our Congregation is creating informal networks for people to lend support, an ear or meet up for a coffee, starting with the topics of bereavement, cancer and raising kids with special needs.
Business Boosters
If you need some work done, look no further than your Community. Click on the Business Booster Directory to find a list with members who may just have that skill or product you need. Need a Ride to Services? Email us. Also check out On the Go , the JFS senior transportation program.
Help us grow our community of loving kindness. Hesed Haverim help congregants by visiting those who are ill or homebound, making Shiva calls, attending a Minyan, sending a card, preparing a meal and so much more. Whatever your talents, we always need more help. For more info contact Sam, Hesed Chair at (555) 555.1234.
Our vision is to inspire and engage all Congregation households to participate in mitzvot of mutual support and loving kindness for the benefit of the entire congregation.
If you or someone you know is ill, recovering from surgery, or homebound and would like a visitor, please let us know so we can help by contacting us.If you are involved with Bikkur Holim – visiting the sick – click on some of our suggestions to help make it a good visit: Bikkur Holim Hesed Guidelines What Do I Say?
Make a difference in the community. Projects will benefit at-risk youth, the working poor, US military servicemen and women overseas, the hungry, home-bound seniors and a native plant garden! We need you there!!!
And please bring a pack of diapers to donate.
Save a Life. Give Blood. October 30, 2011
Go to WWW.REDCROSSBLOOD.ORG and use code 1234 to book your appointment and to learn about important requirements for a successful blood donation. If you have traveled or started taking a new medication please check the website before signing up.
Someone’s life depends on someone else’s donation. Sign up TODAY.
Ongoing Activities
Prepare and serve dinner at Ronald McDonald House
Ronald McDonald House provides a place for families to stay while they have a child undergoing life-saving treatment at Rady Children’s Hospital. Make their lives a little easier by helping at meal time. Contact Sam to sign up or learn more.
Storefront Teen Emergency Night Shelter
Prepare and enjoy breakfast with homeless and at-risk teens. First and Third Sunday each month. Contact Guy to volunteer and/or donate breakfast supplies.
Women’s Center – Cooks Needed Throughout the Year
Prepare and bring dinner and help women in need. Contact Ruth to help out.
Our Congregation provides its members with many opportunities for social action. Our programs benefit women’s and teen shelters, foster children and homeless veterans, the homebound and the hungry. By reaching out to people in need, we not only help to repair the world, but also strengthen our Jewish identity and provide an important example of our values for our children.
Hand Up Food Pantry and Military Base Basket Distribution
Mighty Mitzvah Sunday
Teen shelter dinners
Women’s shelter dinners
Friday night services at Seacrest Village
Annual Stand Down for 700+ homeless veterans
Western Services Workers Association (an organization that aids the working poor in your area)
In addition volunteers are appreciated to help with Hesed activities such as assisting at time of death and illness, arranging transportation etc.