Chai Club Membership

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               2900 Jerusalem Avenue, Wantagh, NY 11793          (516) 221-2370


August, 2017

Dear Temple B’nai Torah Members,

Every year at TBT is a positive adventure. One thing remains constant. We all work as a team to make sure that all individuals of varying ages are able to enjoy a variety of experiences at TBT to enhance the camaraderie we all strive to achieve. We welcome the additional educational opportunity this year to learn from our rabbi, Rabbi Howard Nacht, and look forward to learning from him as we pray and as we socialize. We look forward to being supportive of our new educational director, Meredith Lubin. We wish them both a successful year.

The Chai Club continues to be one of the most active arms of Temple B’nai Torah. Some of our members are officers and committee members on our Temple Board and volunteer to assist the smooth operation of many temple activities. We strive to be a family within our congregational family.

Each year our club features monthly, entertaining, informative and educational programs. They include our magnificent Membership Dinner, cultural trips, theatre/dinner parties, music experiences, speakers and most important, sharing the important events in our lives. During the year, we provide opportunities for social action. You are never alone in our temple be it at services, dinners, or events.

Remember. If you or your spouse are over 50 years old, and/or have been a member of any congregation for 18 years or more you are eligible for membership. Join us. Be part of this enjoyable and exciting arm of TBT.

Please complete the membership form below and drop it off at the temple it in the envelope in the office or mail it together with your check made out to Chai Cub for $18.00 (per person) in the enclosed envelope. If you live 50 miles away, your dues are $5.00 per person. Even if your schedule is busy, please join and support the Chai Club and what it brings to the temple. HEY…Former members… COME ON BACK. Support our active group.

We look forward to seeing and greeting you at our first general meeting, Monday, August 21.

Watch the TBT Times, flyers, email and website for information on our future programs.


Tessa Kean – 516-504-0012                                                         Harvey Drucker – 516-826-0473

President                                                                                        Membership Chair


————————————————————————Cut Here————————————————————–


                                                                          CHAI CLUB MEMBERSHIP FORM 2017-2018


First Name(s)_______________________________ Print Last Name______________________________






Amount Enclosed ($18 per person, beyond 50 miles $5 per person)____________________


Click HERE to print form