Welcome to our place of Brotherhood...
The TBT Brotherhood is a group for temple men of all ages. We meet once a month for a dinner and entertaining program. It is a Brotherhood tradition to construct and decorate a Sukkah for our temple family. This is one of the ways we help support our temple while also enjoying ourselves.
In addition to dinner meetings, Brotherhood cooks breakfast for TBT members one Sunday per month. Please check the TBT Scroll for all the dates of our breakfasts. Whether you are dropping off your children for religious school, or just looking to spend some time with TBT friends, this is the place to be.
Our Brotherhood has a great “kitchen crew”. Not only do they cook breakfast, but some months the crew prepares the food for our monthly dinners. Other months we cater the dinner from local restaurants. We also worked are grills for the Family Shabbat BBQ. Food is important to us and is another way we help support our temple.
Brotherhood has two major fundraisers each year. These are the Summer and Winter Vendor Fairs.
All of our events are listed in the TBT Scroll. In addition, we are now using social media to present our activities to our members.
We hope to see you there!