Adult B’nai Mitzvah

Adult B’nai Mitzvah




  •  To create a sense of Jewish literacy and competency in participating adults, particularly in areas of:
    1. Texts
    2. History
    3. Lifecycle
    4. Calendar
    5. Values and Ethics
    6. Liturgy
    7. Theology/Philosophy
  •  To prepare for a Shabbat Morning Service in which the lessons of the class are applied, celebrated, and demonstrated.


Adult B’nai Mitzvah Expectations:


  1. Class Attendance – For your own benefit and for those in class with you.
  2. Service Attendance –
    1. One Shabbat Service a month (Friday or Saturday)
    2. Festival Service Attendance whenever possible
    3. Preparation of a D’var Torah 1-2 times a year
    4. Completion of Homework and Readings in a timely manner
    5. Journal – A place for your own personal reactions, questions, and responses to the day’s materials
    6. Mitzvah Project – Participation in a mitzvah project of the student’s choice (as individuals or as a group) that will demonstrate the importance of Tikkun Olam
    7. Shabbat Morning Service Preparation:
      1. Prayers
      2. Torah Portion
      3. Haftarah Portion
      4. D’var Torah