Temple B’nai Torah is a diverse caring congregation that embraces a progressive and inclusive vision of Reform Judaism through worship, study of Torah and righteous deeds. We are creating a multi-generational home in our region by staying connected to our roots, as well as offering spiritual enrichment, Jewish education and community engagement.

From the celebration of new life to the saying of Kaddish, Temple B’nai Torah of Wantagh is your spiritual family for honoring life cycle events as well as the Jewish holy days. Rabbi Daniel Bar-Nahum, Cantor Timman, our members, and our staff assist in the preparation and celebration of Bar and Bat Mitzvah, Confirmations, weddings, brit and baby namings, and sitting shiva. During the year, you will enjoy participating in our ritual services, including Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Hanukkah, Purim, and other events that honor and celebrate the history of our people.